The Southeast Alaska Regional Dive Fisheries Association, or SARDFA, is a private non-profit, economic development organization representing the harvest divers, processors, and communities of Southeast Alaska.
SARDFA was formed in 1998 under Alaska statutes 43.76.150-210. SARDFA works cooperatively with ADF&G in developing its Annual Operating Plan, which determines how the dive assessments(self-imposed tax on the dive resources) will be spent.
SARDFA is an innovative approach to biologically and economically sustainable development of natural resources which partners industry, government and communities for the most effective and efficient use of resources.
SARDFAโs mission is to develop, expand, and enhance new and existing dive fisheries in Southeast Alaska, and is managed by a Board of Directors which is elected by the divers, with one director appointed by the Southeast Conference.
SARDFA has five committees which advise the Board of Directors on specific issues, and employs an executive director to carry out the directives of the Board.
SARDFA also works closely with the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, other state departments, communities, businesses, organizations, the state legislature, and divers.